Nursing Made Easy Continuing Education Articles Answer Key

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Seconds count! Stroke guidelines update

doi: 10.1097/01.NME.0000476076.27328.24

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Seconds count! Stroke guidelines update

GENERAL PURPOSE: To provide information about the updated stroke guidelines. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After completing this continuing-education activity, you should be able to: 1. Describe the types of stroke, risk factors, and assessment. 2. Discuss medical and surgical interventions for stroke and strategies to prevent complications.

  1. Which of the following conditions may lead to an ischemic stroke?
    1. a thrombus
    2. an aneurysm
    3. an arterial wall rupture
  2. An individual who experienced slurred speech, weakness in an extremity, and a change in LOC that lasted for 10 minutes then disappeared without any long-term effects most likely had a
    1. ischemic stroke.
    2. hemorrhagic stroke.
    3. TIA.
  3. Hemorrhagic stroke can be caused by a
    1. ruptured arterial aneurysm.
    2. blood clot.
    3. cerebral tissue infarction.
  4. All of the following are risk factors for stroke except
    1. atrial fibrillation.
    2. history of myocardial infarction.
    3. age over 40.
  5. The "S" in the FAST mnemonic refers to
    1. situation.
    2. stroke scale.
    3. slurred speech.
  6. One of the components of the CPSS assesses for
    1. facial droop.
    2. LOC.
    3. vision changes.
  7. The first assessment using the NIHSS should be performed
    1. as soon as a stroke is suspected.
    2. immediately after fibrinolytic therapy.
    3. 48 hours following a stroke.
  8. Which NIHSS score suggests severe debilitation?
    1. 4
    2. 14
    3. 24
  9. A noncontrast CT scan should be performed within how many minutes of the patient's arrival to the ED?
    1. 25
    2. 45
    3. 60
  10. For patients with an ischemic stroke experiencing hemianopsia, which treatment option may be used?
    1. hyperbaric oxygen therapy
    2. osmotic diuretic therapy
    3. thrombectomy
  11. According to the AHA stroke algorithm, the patient with a suspected stroke should be seen by the stroke team within how many minutes after arrival to the ED?
    1. 15
    2. 25
    3. 35
  12. Unless contraindicated, fibrinolytic therapy should be initiated within how many hours of stroke symptoms?
    1. 1
    2. 3
    3. 6
  13. The gold standard for treating acute ischemic stroke is
    1. aspirin.
    2. tPA.
    3. endovascular thrombectomy.
  14. A study found that 22.8% of patients with ischemic stroke treated with tPA experienced which complication?
    1. bleeding
    2. myocardial infarction
    3. seizures
  15. Administration of tPA is contraindicated for patients with
    1. hypertension.
    2. any history of traumatic brain injury.
    3. international normalized ratio greater than 2.
  16. Surgical treatment options for patients who've had a hemorrhagic stroke include
    1. endovascular thrombectomy.
    2. parietal artery bypass graft.
    3. aneurysm clipping.
  17. Which intervention is most appropriate to help prevent aspiration?
    1. Provide a liquid diet.
    2. Elevate the head of the bed at least 30 degrees.
    3. Insert an enteral feeding tube.
  18. The primary goal of nursing interventions for a patient who's had a stroke is support of
    1. activities of daily living.
    2. nutrition and hydration.
    3. airway, breathing, and circulation.
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